Zojirushi Blog

Hoka Hoka: The Sound of Perfectly Steamy Japanese White Rice

Freshly cooked rice in a traditional Japanese bowl and a pair of chopsticks holding a bite of rice with steam rising

In Japan, the sound of perfectly cooked white rice is known as “hoka hoka.” This onomatopoeia perfectly captures the gentle popping and bubbling of the rice grains as they cook, a sure sign that they are cooked to perfection.

Hoka hoka is a sound that we at Zojirushi love to hear. White rice is a staple food in Japan, and it’s essential to many traditional dishes. For rice to be considered perfectly cooked, it must be fluffy and tender, with each grain separate and distinct.

There are many different ways to cook white rice, but the most important thing is to use the right type of rice. Japanese rice is short-grain rice that is high in starch. This starch helps to create the fluffy texture that is characteristic of perfectly cooked Japanese rice. If you want to learn about different types of rice or see what rice looks like when it’s over or under-cooked, visit our Rice Guide here.

Uncooked white short grain rice in a flat woven basket, in the center a wooden square container filled with rice

Making White Rice

Ready to make some white rice now? Here are some tips for perfectly and deliciously cooked Japanese white rice in your Zojirushi rice cooker:

  • Use the correct type of rice. Japanese rice is short-grain rice that is high in starch. This starch helps to create the fluffy texture that is characteristic of perfectly cooked Japanese rice.
  • Rinse the rice thoroughly with cold water. This will remove any excess starch that can usually makes it clump, become yellow, and brown the bottom. It’s important to rinse the rice until the water runs clear.
  • Use the correct amount of water. The amount of water you use will depend on the type of rice you are using and the size of your rice cooker. Zojirushi rice cookers come with a measuring cup and a water level guide inside the cooking pan, so it’s easy to get the right amount of water.
  • Don’t open the lid while the rice is cooking. This will release steam and can make the rice tough.
  • Fluff the rice with the rice spatula after it’s cooked. This will release steam trapped in the rice and will separate the grains and make the rice light and fluffy.

White bowl with a red bottom and red lines from bottom to top, filled with white rice and a pair of chopsticks in front. Another bowl of rice in the back and a cup of tea

Hoka hoka is not only the sound of perfectly cooked white rice, it’s also a metaphor for the joy of eating a delicious Japanese meal. When you hear the sound of hoka hoka, you know that you are about to enjoy a taste of Japan!

At Zojirushi, we believe that everyone should be able to experience the joy of perfectly cooked Japanese white rice. Have you heard hoka hoka when making rice before? Share your thoughts, comments, and questions with us on Twitter,

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