Vacuum Insulated Food Jars Recipes

Rice Porridge

Zojirushi Recipe – Rice Porridge

Japanese-style rice porridge made right in your food jar! Only takes minutes to prepare, and deliciously creamy porridge will be ready by lunch time. Flavor with soy sauce, and top with pickles or any other toppings you like in your porridge.

            	Rice Porridge  Ingredients

[For 12 oz. Zojirushi Stainless Steel Food Jars]
Ingredients (serves 1):

  • 1/4 cup short grain white rice (in rice measuring cup)
  • Boiling water to fill

 [For 17 oz. Zojirushi Stainless Steel Food Jars]
Ingredients (serves 1):

  • 1/2 cup short grain white rice (in rice measuring cup)
  • Boiling water to fill

 [For 25 oz. Zojirushi Stainless Steel Food Jars]
Ingredients (serves 1-2):

  • 3/4 cup short grain white rice (in rice measuring cup)
  • Boiling water to fill

*This recipe was developed for 12 oz., 17 oz. and 25 oz. Zojirushi Stainless Steel Food Jars. Adjustments may be required for making this recipe in other Food Jar sizes. 

              Rice Porridge Step 1

Fill food jar with hot water (not included in the ingredients list), close lid and preheat for 5 minutes. 

              Rice Porridge Step 2

Rinse rice well and drain. 

              Rice Porridge Step 3

Discard the hot water, and place the rinsed rice in jar (or place rinsed rice with 1/2 to 1 cup water in a pan, bring to boil, then place in food jar).

              Rice Porridge Step 4

Fill with boiling water up until 1/2 inch (1 cm) below the ridge and close lid. 

              Rice Porridge Step 5

Rice porridge will be ready to eat in 90 minutes and will stay warm for up to 6 hours.