Zojirushi Blog

Meet Zojirushi’s Full Breadmaker Lineup: Choosing the Right Breadmaker for You

As you know, at Zojirushi we draw inspiration from daily life. And with that in mind, there are few items as relevant to everyday life as bread and bread products. We launched our very first breadmaker, the Home Bakery Breadmaker, in 1988 (over 30 years ago!) and haven’t looked back since. Today, we offer four different breadmakers, each with a wide range of capabilities that allow them to bake different types of breads and some even make jam, pizza dough, meatloaf, and bake gluten-free bread. With all these different features, we thought that it would be a good idea to introduce you to each breadmaker to help you choose the right machine for you. Are you ready to meet the breadmaker members of our family?

Zojirushi Breadmaker Models

Our four breadmakers are as follows (pictured left to right):

The “Supreme” and “Virtuoso” are the bigger capacity breadmakers, while the “Mini” and “Maestro” are the smaller breadmakers. An easy way to distinguish between the breadmakers sizes is by looking at the numbers at the end of each product ID. If it ends in a “10,” it’s smaller. If it ends in a “20,” it’s larger.

We make a breadmaker that fits every household, each packed with settings for different types of breads to fit your own preferences and dietary needs. There are two different sizes of bremakers that make two types of bread shapes: vertical and horizontal.

Models Home Bakery Maestro® Breadmaker BB-SSC10 and Home Bakery Mini Breadmaker BB-HAC10 bake a 1-lb. mini loaf in a vertical shape. This small loaf is large enough to make about 5 sandwiches. If you like baking your own pizza at home, the dough made in the 1-lb. breadmakers is enough to make an 11” pizza.

Models Home Bakery Virtuoso® Plus Breadmaker BB-PDC20 and Home Bakery Supreme® Breadmaker BB-CEC20 bake a 1.5-2lb. loaf in a traditional horizontal shape. When the loaf can yield up to 16 slices of bread and if you’re interested in pizza dough you can make enough for two 12” pizzas.

Zojirushi Breadmaker Features and Specifications
After choosing the best size breadmaker that fits your needs, let’s dive into some of the different functions each breadmaker offers. If you’re looking to make specific types of breads, like multi-grain, vegan, or gluten free make sure to take a close look at the preset courses in this chart:

To learn more about Zojirushi breadmaker Course Settings, visit this link.

All Zojirushi breadmakers include:

  • Full color recipe booklet
  • Measuring cup
  • Measuring spoon
  • Instructional video

Closing Thoughts and Tips on How to Make Bread

Though our breadmakers may look different and have different course settings and customization options, it’s essential to follow the same guidelines for all Zojirushi breadmakers to ensure that you bake a perfect loaf every time. Here is a snapshot of the basics about bread you need to know when you start baking!

  1. Use fresh ingredients and measure accurately
  2. Attach blade(s) to the baking pan
  3. Add ingredients in the correct order
  4. Select the course and hit START! Happy baking!

Now that you’ve met all of our breadmakers, which exciting feature are you looking forward to using for your next baking adventure? Did you learn anything new about bread and how to make bread? Be sure to share your dishes with us on social by tagging your photos on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram! #Zojirushi #ZoFan


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