Zojirushi Blog

That Rich Experience

One of the best things about going to a café is the richness of the experience. We go because a barista is able to craft the most flavorful cup of coffee and steep the perfect pot of tea, serve it in lovely cups, usually with a small biscotti or tea cake. We go because the indulgence reminds us to take a break, calm our minds and refresh our bodies.

cafe03That same luxurious experience happens at home or at work, when our beverage is made with care and attention. Brewing a delicious cup of tea, especially, requires high-quality leaves, water heated to the correct temperature, and the right amount of steeping time.  When brewed carefully, tea doesn’t lose its unique flavor, potency and aroma—after all, who likes a harsh, acidic and bitter cup of tea?

cdlfc01Zojirushi has developed a new water boiler, the Panorama Window® Micom Water Boiler & Warmer (CD-LFC30/40/50), with features that truly help people create beverages of the highest quality, with the richest experience. The Panorama Window® Micom Water Boiler & Warmer is an energy-saving, compact appliance with a swivel base, a large panorama window on the water gauge, four KEEP WARM temperature settings, REBOIL and optional QUICK TEMP mode, a timer function, café drip dispensing mode, and multiple safety features.

One of the highlights of the Panorama Window® Micom Water Boiler & Warmer is the optional QUICK TEMP mode. With the regular mode, heating water to 175°F would require it to first be boiled, and then cooled to reach the selected temperature, taking a little over cdlfc02two hours. With the QUICK TEMP mode, a full boiler of water can be heated to this temperature in 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of your water boiler and the temperature setting. No boiling means considerable time savings!

The four temperature settings—160°F, 175°F, 195°F and 208°F—are ideal for brewingcertain types of teas and coffees, and making instant foods and baby formula. For example, you can use the 208°F setting to brew black, herbal, pu-erh, mate and rooibos teas, as well as prepare pour-over coffee and instant noodles. At the lowest temperature setting of 160°F, you can steep delicate green teas such as gyokuro without burning them, and even warm up baby formula.

The Panorama Window® Micom Water Boiler & Warmer is available in a 3.0L, 4.0L and 5.0L capacity. Find out more about it and take a tour of the product through our latest video.

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